Stage 3 of the Gold Coast Light Rail is under construction in 2024. POMO worked alongside AECOM on the design of this major infrastructure project, handling the placemaking design.
The project focused on opportunities for bespoke place-driven interventions at each of the platform stations along the route. We began with a detailed analysis of the areas through which the light rail would move and began to unlock cultural histories, local stories, imagery and assembled a report which identified key narratives and history from each area.
The challenge was to differentiate each area. Today the stretch between Broadbeach and Burleigh for the most part seems to be a homogenous strip, but traditionally, each area although close by, had a distinct culture and history.
We identified a range of unique features ranging from First Nation’s history, to flora, to architecture to surf and holiday culture and others. The now lost “Gold Coast Glitter Strip” offered many opportunities to resurrect 1950’s aesthetics and stories from Queensland’s experiment with American Motel Modernism.
We were able to draw on this rich tapestry of local stories and identity to inform a series of design outcomes that were both practical, fit with transport and infrastructure standards but represented creative interpretations of a number of these key local narratives.
Interventions on the station platforms were proposed across furniture, lighting, signage, bins, footpath treatments and utility boxes. Colours, patterns, imagery, light, form and materials were used to convey a subtle series of distinctive differences between each station area.
A geo-locative audio trail was also proposed that would allow passengers to use a QR code to switch on and hear stories from the area they are travelling through on the light rail. This experience would change automatically as the passengers moved along the route therefore drawing attention to the otherwise hidden character of each part of the Gold Coast.
This Design Lead: AECOM
Placemaking Design: POMO
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